How to apply?

For this call:

a) Only complete applications that meet the established criteria will be considered.

b) Application forms, including all required documents, must be completed on the online platform Applications and documents sent by email or post will not be accepted.

c) The deadline for submission is midnight on December 22, 2020 (Brussels time zone). Applications submitted after the closing date of the call will be automatically rejected.




Before applying to the RBCLAC Fund, carefully read the following instructions. Once finished, proceed to start your application.

1. Applicants have the obligation to read the terms of reference of the call.

2. Applicants must proceed to register in the system.

3. Applicants must complete an online form summarizing the relevant information from the organization presenting the project, along with a brief presentation of the proposal they seek to finance. See the summary of the questions here.

4. There will be a pre-selection of those projects that meet the requirements and objectives of the call. The shortlisted applicants will be informed in due time and must complete a second form with more detailed information about their project, and two formats (budget and logical framework). These formats should only be completed by those organizations that have been selected for stage two.

5. The applicants who are selected will be informed and will be invited to sign the grant agreement to begin the implementation of their project.

Start the application proces

To start your application process, you need to register and then log in​